best nephrologist iN Davangere

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best nephrologist iN Davangere

Lifeline Number

819-247-0632 / 9353880027

Treatments Provided by us

We Provide all 11 kinds of treatments that are very effective. Dr. Mohan R treated more than 100 people.

Treatments Provided by us

We Provide all 11 kinds of treatments that are very effective. Dr. Mohan R treated more than 100 people.

Treatments with Quality

With our expert team of Nephrologist, Pathologist and state-of-the-art diagnostic and medical equipment, we provide treatment for simple to complex Nephrological Conditions, hypertension, diabetes and general conditions.


Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Treatment

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) means that your kidneys have suffered irreversible damage. Chronic means it is long term and CKD can get worse over time. CKD…



When the kidneys stop working, the work of the kidneys to filter blood is carried out by the dialysis process. In the dialysis machine, the blood passes through a filter known as a dialyzer, which…


Kidney Transplantation

A kidney or Renal transplant is carried out for patients with advanced kidney failure, i.e., when the kidney function is irreversibly reduced to below 15% of normal…


Kidney Biopsy

A kidney biopsy (also called a renal biopsy) involves taking one or more tiny samples of the kidney to look at the kidney tissue with a special microscope, for signs of damage or disease…

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High blood pressure, or hypertension, is the second leading cause of kidney
failure. Most patients with high blood pressure don’t have any symptoms…


Vascular Access Planning

Before beginning hemodialysis treatment, access to a patient’s bloodstream is needed; this is called vascular access. The access allows the patient’s blood to…


Peritoneal Dialysis

During peritoneal dialysis, a special cleansing fluid is passed through a tube (peritoneal dialysis catheter) into the patient’s abdomen. The lining of the abdomen…


Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT)

Patients who are critically ill tend to have a high metabolic rate as their bodies are trying to recover from the disease. They need vasoactive drugs and continuous…

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Peritoneal Dialysis (CPD)

During peritoneal dialysis, a fluid known as dialysate is put into the peritoneal or abdominal cavity with the help of a catheter. The dialysate is allowed to sit there…


Kidney Transplant

Patients with kidney failure have to go for dialysis or a kidney transplant. Dialysis takes time, and patients have to visit a dialysis center frequently…


Common Medical Procedures Used in Nephrology

There are several medical procedures that your Nephrologists…

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  • The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs, each about the size of a fist. They are located just below the rib cage, one on each side of your spine. 
  • Healthy kidneys filter about a half cup of blood every minute, removing wastes and extra water to make urine. 
  • The urine flows from the kidneys to the bladder through two thin tubes of muscle called ureters, one on each side of your bladder.
  • Your bladder stores urine. Your kidneys, ureters, and bladder are part of your urinary tract.
  • You have two kidneys that filter your blood, removing wastes and extra water to make urine.
  • Your kidneys remove wastes and extra fluid from your body. Your kidneys also remove acid that is produced by the cells of your body and maintain a healthy balance of water, salts, and minerals—such as sodium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium—in your blood.
  • Without this balance, nerves, muscles, and other tissues in your body may not work normally. 
  • Your kidneys also make hormones that help:
  1. control your blood pressure
  2. make red blood cells
  3. your bones strong and healthy
  • Patients with kidney diseases should consult a Nephrologist (Kidney specialist), who has specialized training in handling such disorders.
  • In India, kidney specialists are Physicians (MD/DNB Medicine) who are further trained and board certified in Nephrology (DM/DNB Nephrology).
  • Blood flows into your kidney through the renal artery. This large blood vessel branches into smaller and smaller blood vessels until the blood reaches the nephrons. In the nephron, your blood is filtered by the tiny blood vessels of the glomeruli and then flows out of your kidney through the renal vein. 
  • Your blood circulates through your kidneys many times a day. In a single day, your kidneys filter about 150 L of blood. Most of the water and other substances that filter through your glomeruli are returned to your blood by the tubules. Only 1 to 2 Litres become urine. 
  • Your ureter carries urine from the kidney to your bladder.
  • There are two kidneys, each about the size of a fist, located on either side of the spine at the lowest level of the rib cage. Each kidney contains up to a million functioning units called nephrons. A nephron consists of a filtering unit of tiny blood vessels called a glomerulus attached to a tubule. When blood enters the glomerulus, it is filtered and the remaining fluid then passes along the tubule. In the tubule, chemicals and water are either added to or removed from this filtered fluid according to the body’s needs, the final product being the urine we excrete. 
  • The kidneys perform their life-sustaining job of filtering and returning to the bloodstream about 200 quarts of fluid every 24 hours. About two quarts are removed from the body in the form of urine, and about 198 quarts are recovered. The urine we excrete has been stored in the bladder for anywhere from 1 to 8 hours.
  • In acute kidney failure, the kidney function is reduced or lost within a short period (over hours, days or weeks) due to various reasons. This type of kidney failure is temporary, and usually reversible.
  • Gradual progressive and irreversible loss of kidney functions over several months to years is called chronic kidney disease or chronic kidney failure. It is usually diagnosed if patient has evidence of kidney damage lasting more than 3 months, or reports suggested of irreversible loss of kidney functions. This is a non- curable disease where kidney function reduces slowly and continuously and after a long period it may reduce to a stage where the kidney stops working almost completely. This advanced and life threatening stage of disease is called end stage kidney disease.
  • Chronic kidney disease is defined as having some type of kidney abnormality, or “marker”, such as protein in the urine and having decreased kidney function for three months or longer.
  • There are many causes of chronic kidney disease. The kidneys may be affected by diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure. Some kidney conditions are inherited (run in families).
  • Others are congenital; that is, individuals may be born with an abnormality that can affect their kidneys. The following are some of the most common types and causes of kidney damage.
  • Diabetes is a disease in which your body does not make enough insulin or cannot use normal amounts of insulin properly. This results in a high blood sugar level, which can cause problems in many parts of your body. Diabetes is the leading cause of kidney disease.
  • High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is another common cause of kidney disease and other complications such as heart attacks and strokes. High blood pressure occurs when the force of blood against your artery walls increases. When high blood pressure is controlled, the risk of complications such as chronic kidney disease is decreased.
  • Glomerulonephritis is a disease that causes inflammation of the kidney’s tiny filtering units called the glomeruli. Glomerulonephritis may happen suddenly, for example, after an infection, and the individual may get well again. However, the disease may develop slowly over several years and it may cause progressive loss of kidney function.
  • Polycystic kidney disease is the most common inherited kidney disease. It is characterized by the formation of kidney cysts that enlarge over time and may cause serious kidney damage and even kidney failure. Other inherited diseases that affect the kidneys include Alport’s Syndrome, primary hyperoxaluria and cystinuria.
  • Kidney stones are very common, and when they pass, they may cause severe pain in your back and side. There are many possible causes of kidney stones, including an inherited disorder that causes too much calcium to be absorbed from foods and urinary tract infections or obstructions. Sometimes, medications and diet can help to prevent recurrent stone formation. In cases where stones are too large to pass, treatments may be done to remove the stones or break them down into small pieces that can pass out of the body.
  • Urinary tract infections occur when germs enter the urinary tract and cause symptoms such as pain and/or burning during urination and more frequent need to urinate. These infections most often affect the bladder, but they sometimes spread to the kidneys, and they may cause fever and pain in your back.
  • Congenital diseases may also affect the kidneys. These usually involve some problem that occurs in the urinary tract when a baby is developing in its mother’s womb. One of the most common occurs when a valve-like mechanism between the bladder and ureter (urine tube) fails to work properly and allows urine to back up (reflux) to the kidneys, causing infections and possible kidney damage.
  • Drugs and toxins can also cause kidney problems. Using large numbers of over-the-counter pain relievers for a long time may be harmful to the kidneys. Certain other medications, native medicines, traditional ayurvedic medicines, local herbs, pesticides and “street” drugs such as heroin and cocaine can also cause kidney damage.
  • Many kidney diseases can be treated. Careful control of diseases like diabetes and high blood pressure can help prevent kidney disease or keep it from getting worse. Kidney stones and urinary tract infections can usually be treated successfully. Unfortunately, the exact causes of some kidney diseases are still unknown, and specific treatments are not yet available for them. Sometimes, chronic kidney disease may progress to kidney failure, requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation. Treating high blood pressure with special medications often helps to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease.
  • A lot of research is being done to find more effective treatment for all conditions that can cause chronic kidney disease
  • Kidney failure is treated with Renal Replacement therapy. This means that since the kidneys are not functioning – an alternative treatment is chosen to do the work of the failed kidneys. Renal replacement therapy includes – Dialysis like hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or- Kidney transplantation (surgical implantation of a donor kidney).
  • In emergency situations – Hemodialysis (artificial cleaning of blood with the use of a filter, via the hemodialysis machine) is the preferred and life saving option of treatment.
  • For long term patients – treatment with hemodialysis is generally performed at a dialysis unit /Hospital. Hemodialysis treatments are usually performed three times a week. Peritoneal dialysis is generally done daily at home. Dr Garima can explain the different approaches and help individual patients make the best treatment choices for themselves and their families.
  • Kidney transplants have high success rates. The kidney may come from a living donor who may be a relative- immediate relative or distant, spouse or possibly a friend or from someone who is brain dead and whose attendants are willing to donate their organs.

Kidney disease usually affects both kidneys. If the kidneys’ ability to filter the blood is seriously damaged by disease, wastes and excess fluid may build up in the body. Although many forms of kidney disease do not produce symptoms until late in the course of the disease, there are six warning signs of kidney disease:

  • High blood pressure.
  • Blood and/or protein in the urine.
  • A creatinine and Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) blood test, outside the normal range. BUN and creatinine are waste that build up in your blood when your kidney function is reduced.
  • A glomerular filtration rate (GFR) less than 60. GFR is a measure of kidney function.
  • More frequent urination, particularly at night; difficult or painful urination.
  • Puffiness around eyes, swelling of hands and feet

Yes, 1 in every 750 individuals is born with only one kidney. They lead normal, healthy lives.

Yes. Testing has shown that a transplanted kidney can also increase in size and function over time, and it works well for several years.

There are three main reasons why a person may have only one kidney:

  • A person may be born with only one kidney. This condition is called renal agenesis. Another condition, which is called kidney dysplasia, causes a person to be born with two kidneys, but only one of them works. Most people who are born without a kidney (or with only one working kidney) lead normal, healthy lives. Being born with a single kidney is more common in males, and the left kidney is absent more often than the right one.
  • A person may have had one kidney removed during an operation in order to treat an injury or a disease like cancer.
  • A person may have donated one kidney to a person who needed a kidney transplant.
  • Physical exercise is healthy and good for you. However, it’s important for someone with only one kidney to be careful and protect it from injury. This recommendation applies to anyone with a single kidney, including people who were born with one kidney and people with a kidney transplant. Some doctors think it is best to avoid contact sports like football, boxing, hockey, soccer, martial arts, or wrestling.
  • Wearing protective gear such as padded vests under clothing can help protect the kidney from injury during sports. This can help lessen the risk, but it won’t take away the risk. Talk to your healthcare provider if you (or your child) want to join in contact sports. You should always think about the risks involved in any activity, and carefully consider whether the risks outweigh the benefits

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